Aida Arjmand
Data Analysis
اطلاعات شخصی
انتاریو , تورنتو
زبان ها
درباره من
09/2021 – 2023MONTREAL, CANADAnMaster thesis student/ Computer science/ Bishop's UniversitynThesis: The Impact of Toxic Replies on Twitter Conversations and Toxic Speech Automotive Creationn● SQL servern● Power BIn● Pythonn● Machine Learningn● Deep learningn06/2015 – 09/2017TEHRAN, IRANnSystem Management and Productivity | Master's degree/ Islamic Azad University Tehran NorthnThesis: Timing of traffic lights with the aim of facilitating traffic flow and reducing the chances of accidents with a networknapproachn• Data sorting • Data filteringn09/2010 – 12/2014TEHRAN, IRANnComputer engineering / Software | Bachelor's degree/ Islamic Azad University Tehran North Thesis: Design and Implementation of an Academy Systemn • SQL servern• Software developmentسوابق شغلی
Part time Job at IWOOn● Data Analysis -Data analysis with ETL & SSISnCodifying strategy, designing plans and architecture of IWOO's portalnAnalyzing raw data and new commercial plans, drawing conclusions, developing recommendations and doing configurations, Data analysis with ETL & SSIS:n o Remap Column Data Typesno Add and Configure OLE DB Connection Managerno Add a data flow taskno Add and Configure Flat file sourceno Add and Configure Lookup Transformationno Add and Configure Lookup For DateKey Transformation o Add and configure OLE DB Destinationno Test and Run Packagen● Bishop's University - with python, deep learning, sensitive hashingnResearch thesis: I worked on hate speech and toxic speeches in Twitter as a social network. I worked with python, deep learning, sensitive hashing to drew a diagram models.nWe used Amazon M Turk as a crowd source method:no Pythonno Deep learningno Sensitive hashing o Google APInMontreal, CanadanSeptember 2021-2023nToronto, CanadanJanuary 2023-Presentnn• Tehran City Council Computer engineer/Data analyst with power BI & SQL Data analyst with power BI & SQL:no Connecting to web data with power BIno Data analysis with SQL-Table joinsno Data analysis with SQL Aggregate function o Sorting Data with SQLno Filtering Data with SQLno Data Analysis with Analytic Queries
Data Analysis
از سال 2023 تا سال Present
Part time Job at IWOOn● Data Analysis -Data analysis with ETL & SSISnCodifying strategy, designing plans and architecture of IWOO's portalnAnalyzing raw data and new commercial plans, drawing conclusions, developing recommendations and doing configurations, Data analysis with ETL & SSIS:n Remap Column Data TypesnAdd and Configure OLE DB Connection ManagernAdd a data flow tasknAdd and Configure Flat file sourcenAdd and Configure Lookup TransformationnAdd and Configure Lookup For DateKey Transformation o Add and configure OLE DB DestinationnTest and Run Package
سوابق تحصیلی
دانشگاه : Bishop's university
رشته : Computer Science
مقطع : Master
از سال 2021 تا سال 2023
ترجیحات شغلی
حداقل حقوق درخواستی به دلار بر حسب ساعت : 22$
سابقه کار
1 تا 3 سال
نوع قراردادهای قابل قبول
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